tisdag 4 juni 2013

Accompany the Asylum March Sweden, June 16- August 16

A march is organized from Swedens most southern city, Malmö, to the capital, Stockholm by asylum seekers to raise awereness around the issue of right to asylum. The march is planned to take a month, but will take on participants for a shorter amount of time as well.

The organizers are a bit worried of being bothered by far right and extreme right groups during the march and you are therefore invited to accompany the march, thus showing solidarity and providing a sense of security to the asylum seekers.

The basic idea is to join the march and provide a protective presence. Before the start of the march there will be efforts to provide a basic nonviolence training, it might be possible to do this for those joining the march along the way.

So if you are interested to know more details, or you are thinking of joining the march, please show your interest by sending an email to niclas.persson@lsu.se.

Practical details such as housing and food is still being worked out. For the timeschedule see http://www.asylstafetten.se/kommer-vi-till-din-stad/. Some possibilities being looked into are sleeping in tents or staying at churches along the way.

lördag 25 maj 2013

Följ med oss till Palestina och Israel i höst!

CPT Sverige är mycket glada att kunna bjuda in till en svensk delegation, eller studieresa till Palestina och Israel. Syftet med resan är dels att få en större förståelse av situationen i området och hur det är att leva under ockupation, dels att lära känna CPT’s visioner och arbetssätt. Vi kommer att besöka Hebron, Jerusalem, Betlehem och palestinska byar. På dessa platser träffar vi olika palestinska och israeliska aktivister som arbetar för fred och rättvisa. Delegationen börjar 23 oktober och slutar den 3 november. Priset för resan är $1 450, i skrivande stund cirka 10 230 kr. I priset ingår logi, frukost och middag samt vissa luncher och alla resor i Israel och Palestina. I priset ingår inte resan till och från Israel och inte heller resa till och från flygplatsen i Israel. Det är vår förhoppning att vi kan bli så många deltagare att vi kan ha en svensktalande grupp. Om vi inte får det kommer vi att öppna upp gruppen så att den blir engelsktalande som de flesta andra delegationer. Ansökan till resan går genom CPT’s huvudkontor i Chicago och görs på engelska. Du kan ladda ner ansökningshandlingar här. Vi vill ha din ansökan senast den 1 september.

Är du intresserad av att så småningom arbeta som CPT:are så är en delegation det första steget. Därefter har du möjlighet att söka till den månadslånga träningen.  

Läs om tidigare delegationer här, här, här, här och här.
Du kan nå oss på cptsverige@gmail.com om du har några frågor.

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) föddes ur en uppmaning till de som tror på Jesus som en kärlekens och fredens furste att inte längre nöja sig med att predika ickevåld till människor som lever i konfliktområden utan istället börja arbeta praktiskt. Sedan slutet av 1980-talet har CPT arbetat på inbjudan av och vid sidan av förtryckta grupper runt om i världen. CPT har haft team på plats i Hebron sedan 1995.

måndag 11 mars 2013

You are welcome to join the third European regional meeting of CPT!

European Regional Meeting 2013 - Resisting Fortress Europe
Location: Västra Skrävlinge, Malmö, Sweden
Time: 9th-12th of May 2013  

Partnering with nonviolent movements around the world, CPT seeks to embody an inclusive, ecumenical and diverse community of God's love. We believe we can transform war and occupation, our own lives, and the wider Christian world through: the nonviolent power of God's truth, partnership with local peacemakers and bold action. CPT places teams at the invitation of local peacemaking communities that are confronting situations of lethal conflict. These teams seek to follow God's Spirit as it works through local peacemakers who risk injury and death by waging nonviolent direct action to confront systems of violence and oppression. CPT enlists the whole Church in an organized, nonviolent alternative to war and a broad ecumenical network that supports: biblically based and spiritually-centered peacemaking, creative public witness, nonviolent direct action and protection of human rights. 

May 2013 CPT will hold its third European meeting in Malmö, Sweden. The meeting is open to anyone interested in CPT and Christian nonviolence. It will give participants an introduction to CPT, the theology of nonviolence, practical nonviolence and an opportunity to take part in a public witness to highlight the consequences of European policy for refugees. 

Since 1993 more than 16 000 migrant deaths have been documented along the European border. Causes of death include drowning, suffocation, hypothermia, suicide and minefields. The European borders are part of an increasingly sophisticated and militarized system to keep people from seeking refuge in Europe. The public witness will take part one week before Malmö hosts the European Song Contest themed “We are one” and we want to use this opportunity to show what it really means to embrace each other. 

Thursday 9th of May
18.00 Internal meeting for active CPTers  

Friday 10th of May
9.00 Internal meeting for active CPTers
12.00 Lunch for all participants
13.00 Welcome and introduction
13:30 Background to European refugee policy
The context of Malmö and Sweden
Christian resistance to Fortress Europe
The network “Dessa mina minsta”
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 The Peacemaking Vocation of the Church
We read the Epistle to the Ephesians
18.00 Dinner
19.00 Introduction and preparation for public witness
21.00 Evening worship  

Saturday 11th of May
9.00 Practical training in nonviolence
Introduction to nonviolence and sharing insights and experience from CPTs field work in Iraqi Kurdistan, Palestine, Colombia and Aboriginal Justice in Canada
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Preparation for public witness
15.00 Public witness on Fortress Europe
18.00 Party and social evening
21.00 Evening worship  

Sunday 12th of May
9:30 How to become a CPTer
Delegation, training and field work
11.00 Sunday mass in Västra Skrävlinge church 12.30 Lunch

Practical information
Attending the meeting
The meeting is open to anyone interested in CPT and christian nonviolence. To register send an e-mail with your name, contact information and any food restrictions to annika.spalde @ gmail.com before the 15th of April. All meals will be vegetarian.

How to get to the meeting
Malmö is located 20 minutes away from the Copenhagen airport, with good connections to the rest of Europe. It is also possible to travel environmentally friendly by train from Germany or the Netherlands.

Will be arranged for international participants. Swedish participants will have to arrange accommodation on their own.

The price will be 300 SEK (approx. 34 Euro), to be paid at arrival, to cover expenses for meals and material for the meeting.

More practical information will be sent upon registration.

To read more about CPT and how to get involved visit: www.cpt.org